What links are on this page:
- Bees, Queens, Nucs, Packages and Beekeeping Supplies
- Bee Clubs and Organizations
- General Beekeeping Sites
- Pests, Diseases, Treatments, Integrated Pest Management
- Products (and Services) of the Hive
- BeeKeeping Multimedia
Bees, Queens, Nucs, Packages and Beekeeping Supplies
- B_line Apiaries – Hudson, NH (Alden Marshall ) – packages, nucs, queens: B_Line Apiaries
- Hillside Beekeeping Supplies – Merrimack, NH ( Allen Lindahl) – beekeeping supplies, packages and services: Hillside Beekeeping Supplies
- New England Beekeeping Supplies – Tyngsborough, MA (Rick Reault) – supplies, swarm removal, pollination, extraction: www.nebees.com
- Royal Queens Apiaries LLC, Leonardo Henriquez, (603)479-0873, https://royalqueensapiaries.com/
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Bee Clubs and Organizations:
- New Hampshire Beekeepers: www.nhbeekeepers.org
- Local New Hampshire Bee Clubs: https://www.nhbeekeepers.org/local-clubs
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General Beekeeping Sites:
- New England bee keeping calendar — https://cals.cornell.edu/pollinator-network/beekeeping/beekeeping-calendar-northeast
- How long to expect a new queen from a queen cell to start laying – Keep Calm and Have Patience
- Mid Atlantic Apiculture Website – Bee Management information, Fact Sheets: MAAREC
- Cornell University Collection of Onlibe Bee Publications – fascinating! Cornell Collection
- Bee Commerce Downloads – lots of good downloadable pdfs on bee topics
- Lulus Beekeeping https://www.lulus.com/blog/resources/bees-and-beekeeping/
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Pests, Diseases, Treatments, Recipes and Integrated Pest Management
- Honey Bee Health Coalition- Pest management — https://honeybeehealthcoalition.org/hive-management-additional-resources/
- Recipe for Grease Patties for Treating Tracheal Mites
- Pollen Patty Recipe How to Make Pollen Patties
- Ken Kuhn’s Fondant Recipe: http://jackshoney.com/Bees/Fondant_101_files/index.htm
- Bee Sugar Candy (Fondant) Recipes for Winter Feeding
- Four New Videos by Jamie Ellis at U. of Florida:Small Hive Beetle, Tracheal Mites, Nosema and Varroa Mites
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Products (and Services) of the Hive
- Apitherapy News: http://apitherapy.blogspot.com/
- For that million dollar smile: http://mizar5.com/honey.html
- Honey as medicine:
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Beekeeping Multimedia and Bee School Links
- PBS Nova Tales from the Hive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtKqic69xVo
- Ohio State Beekeepers online bee school: http://www.ohiostatebeekeepers.org/beekeeping_class/
- Online videos for beekeepers (Brushy Mountain): http://www.brushymountainbeefarm.com/Resources/Videos.asp#
- Bee Photography: http://www.beedreams.com/
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- Plans for Bee Friendly Sign:Bee Friendly Sign
- BeeSource – Build It Yourself (Plans): http://beesource.com/build-it-yourself/
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- Bees and Honey: Creating Pollinator Gardens