The Merrimack Valley Beekeepers Association
Welcome to the Merrimack Valley Beekeepers Association (MVBA) web site.
The MVBA has members throughout the Merrimack Valley and the surrounding areas. They include beekeeping hobbyists and those who rely on beekeeping as a livelihood.
We meet monthly to share ideas of effective beekeeping and learn new treatments and techniques.
Please join us for one of our monthly meetings and make sure to
check out our Face Book group!
We are pleased to announce the new MVBA officers.
Each position is for a 1 year term
President, Spencer Lovette
Vice President, Marise Evans
Secretary, Sarah McNamara
Treasurer, Dot Miller
The video above shows a honey bee waggle dance. Click here to view the excellent full length video from Georgia Tech.
Members may view slides and recordings of several of the 2024 classes. Go to Bee School Info and Registration above to access Syllabus, Schedule and Presentations.